Real hope. Real change.
The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils across the country.
Here in Bradford District we have ten hard working Green councillors representing areas from across our district from Silsden to Bierley – Holmewood to Ilkley.
We’re working on local issues; to improve the lives of all people across Bradford District, and to improve our local environment.
Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for Bradford.
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Latest News
- Greens: “Bradford residents are being forced to foot the bill for the failures of this Labour administration.”
- Greens welcome delay to “short-sighted” cuts to school buses.
- Greens respond to Labour’s 10% council tax hike
- Westgate Hill Street planning application “everything wrong with the planning system”
- Greens response to potential council tax rise of up to 15%
Donate and Support our Campign
Bradford Green Party, rely on donations from ordinary members to fund our activities. Please consider a one off donation, or setting up a regular monthly donation to help us fight and win more seats in this election. Donate online now.
Upcoming events
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