Green Party MEP visits Bingley to listen to voters about Brexit

Magid Magid, the first Green Party MEP elected to represent the Yorkshire & the Humber region in Brussels travelled to Bradford District at the weekend.

The former Lord Mayor of Sheffield visited Bingley on Saturday morning and the focus of his visit was to speak to people about the current political situation and find out what they were thinking.

Magid said: “It was really exciting to speak to so many people in Bingley on Saturday, and to hear how people are feeling about everything that has been happening with the Brexit situation.

“This is about having honest conversations with people, difficult conversations sometimes, and that we can get through this.

“Johnson and Trump conspire to create a disaster-Britain for the wealthy alone, and they’ll sacrifice our great region and its ordinary working people for their own riches. Continued EU membership is crucial to our rights, freedom, prosperity and the struggle for equality.”

He adds: “It’s easy to tire, and to lose hope – but all of Yorkshire – from Grimsby to Halifax, Sheffield to Skipton – and indeed our country needs our energy and belief like never before.

Rachael Drucquer, the first Green Party member to be elected to Bingley Town Council – also this May – was also there to speak to people and was excited about the enthusiasm she encountered from them.

“The elections this year showed that there is a real desire for change right across the country and people are fed up with being let down by career politicians from the big two parties.

“Magid – like many Greens – doesn’t fit the mould of what people expect from a politician and this tour is about connecting with people from across Yorkshire.”

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