Local voices will be silenced in Labour planning reforms claim Green Party councillors 

Labour’s proposed planning reforms will silence local voices and impose huge house building targets that ignore real local need, Green Party councillors on Bradford Council claim. 

The new government has announced an overhaul of the planning system which will involve new mandatory targets for councils and a review of the current greenbelt.  

But Green councillors claim that Labour’s proposed planning reforms will silence local voices, give even more say to big developers and impose arbitrary house-building targets that ignore real local need. 

Councillor Caroline Whitaker, a Green Party councillor in Craven Ward has raised concerns that the new direction from Labour will mean local communities will have even less say on the location and type of homes than they do now. 

“The recent housing estates approved in Silsden highlight just what is wrong with our planning system. The planning rules, as they are now, already give the big house builders a advantage. It allows them to build houses on greenfield sites and ignore all the empty brown field sites we have in our district – damaging the local environment and putting pressure on local services and roads. 

“Greens recognise that a balance needs to be struck between the genuine need for new homes and caring for our countryside. But what Angela Rayner and Labour have done is to shift the balance even further in favour of the developers, allowing them to put their profit before our communities’ needs and our environment. 

Councillor Ursula Sutcliffe (Tong Ward) highlighted how what Labour was proposing wouldn’t deal with the crisis in lack of affordable housing especially here in Bradford. 

“The community I represent desperately needs more affordable social housing for local people and there are so many vacant sites that need redevelopment. People tell me they want to see more affordable homes for local people.  

“There are thousands of families in Bradford in desperately need of new homes, but there is no incentive to build affordable housing and property companies chase what makes them the most money. 

“What Labour are proposing just won’t help them. We need new homes, close to the city centre, close to where jobs are and good public transport.  

“During the General Election, The Green Party proposed a ‘Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price charter’ which would actually transform the planning system and give local people more say. It would ensure all new homes are built to the highest environmental standards, prioritising brownfield sites, while requiring all new developments come with investment in local services, such as extra school and GP places, better bus services and infrastructure for walking and cycling. 

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