Let Bradford Breathe

We need to tackle our air pollution crisis now!

It’s time to take action to improve the quality of our air

Air pollution is a big problem across Bradford District. One in twenty deaths is linked to the poor quality of our air.

The World Health Organisation links air pollution to a host of medical conditions from: heart attacks, strokes, asthma and underdeveloped lungs in children. It has also been linked to Alzhiemer’s Disease. It affects all of us.

However, not enough is being done to tackle this problem. Our elected officials are in denial about the air pollution crisis.

Over the last few years, Bradford District councillors have continued to vote for schemes that will make air quality in our district worse.

From the Aire Valley Incinerator, to new road building plans, to supporting the expansion of Leeds-Bradford Airport.

All of these schemes will have a negative impact on the health of people across our district.

Will you sign our petition calling for Bradford Council to introduce our four point plan to #LetBradfordBreathe?

Our Four Point Plan for cleaning up Bradford's polluted Air.

1) Ensure all buses and taxis meet low emission standards.

2) Reduce congestion on our busy main roads

3) Make walking and cycling easier and safer across Bradford District

4) Ensure that Bradford Council deliver A "Clean Air Zone" to restrict the most polluting vehicles

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