Getting drainage issues on Westgate Hill fixed – finally

For the last few years Matt Edwards – our Tong Ward community campaigner – has been trying to get Bradford Council and Yorkshire Water to fix a number of issues with drainage and standing water on Westgate Hill Street (A650) near Tong High School.

Back in 2018, a few residents raised issues with large puddles building up by the bus stop on the road near the junction with North View Road.

Following several visits and a lot of emails by Matt, Yorkshire Water appear to have finally fixed their water leak.

However, there is a lot of water run off from the grassy area next to the road which still causes large puddles on the road and the pavement to be covered in mud.

They are going to look at making improvements to the pavement level and changing the kerb to stop the excess water.

Matt has said “I am pleased this has finally been sorted! “Yorkshire Water should have gotten their act together sooner and now Bradford Council can get on with their part.

“The Highways department have been working really hard during the challenging circumstances at the moment and have agreed to add this as well as a few other issues onto their list of jobs to get done as soon as they can.”

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