Our mayoral candidate visits Bradford project looking to harness ‘people power’

The Green Party’s West Yorkshire mayoral candidate has visited an innovative project in Bradford to highlight the potential for community energy schemes.

Andrew Cooper and Carlton Smith at Park Lane Centre in Bradford Bradford Community Energy has been established to help groups install renewable energy technologies on their buildings to save money on their energy bills and do their part to tackle our climate crisis.

Councillor Andrew Cooper, who is also the party’s energy spokesperson, has visited the Park Lane Centre in Little Horton which is one of the first buildings the society is looking to help benefit from greener and more affordable electricity and heat.

Councillor Cooper has said,

“It is really exciting to visit such an ambitious community energy project right here in the centre of Bradford. It is literally power to the people.

“Community energy is right at the heart of what the Green Party stand for. It helps community groups be more self-sufficient, it’s better for the environment and means that profits savings can be reinvested back into the local community.

”If we want to tackle climate change, we need to embrace people owned power projects like this and I hope they are able to meet wish them every success in reaching their funding requirements targets to take the scheme forward.”

Carlton Smith, one of the directors of Bradford Community Energy said:

“Over the last twelve months, we have seen growing support for radical action to tackle climate change and we are giving people a way we can do this and support community projects at the same time.

“Anyone who invests in Bradford Community Energy will not only receive a return on their investment, but they will be helping fund community projects relating to fuel poverty and low carbon lifestyles.

Full detail of the community share offer area available at www.bcel.org

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